HELP B&W 802D or Revel Ultima Salon2

Hello everyone. I'm anticipating a speaker upgrade in the not too distant future and I would appreciate any experienced opinions. I have had the opportunity to audition the 802Ds at my local dealer twice in the past week. I can get a pilomotor erection (hair standing up on arms, chills, etc.) even now simply by remembering the experience. Quite an improvement from my current Mythos ST setup. I've finally experienced some of the things I've only read about up to this point!
Now I have to wonder how good it can get at this approx. price point. I've read the reviews on the Ultima Salon2s and wonder if I might be even happier with these.
(I do realize I would need additional amplification to properly drive them)Unfortunately none of the Revel dealers in the Dallas area have any available for audition.
There exists an opportunity to purchase a lightly used pair for about the same as a new pair of 802Ds.
I would especially like to hear from anyone who has experience with both.
Thanks to all in advance.
A contrarian viewpoint to the consensus here. So I am a B&W fanboy, but as I stated earlier in this thread, I was really impressed with the Salon 2 in several reasonably long dealer sessions.

Well, lo and behold, a good deal came up on a used pair and I jumped on it impulsively. Have had them in my house for 3 weeks and...I don't really care for them.

Although I readily admit that the neutrality, accuracy, and coherence is there in spades, and the imaging and distinction btwn instruments is absolutely amazing, they don't move me. Vocals are ever so slightly recessed, and there is no "life" to them. They are quite unforgiving of even average recordings (forget poor ones), which greatly limits listening options. The bass is really good only on good recordings, but they can't seem to pull out the lower mids and bass on average CDs.

The most interesting but frustrating part of the experience is that they seem to sometimes deconstruct a song into it's musical parts: vocals, distinct instruments, leaving an uninvolving collection of distinct sounds (clear and neutral as they can be). While sometimes I am absolutely amazed at the imaging or clarity, I more often find that I'm easily distracted instead of immersed and toe tapping.

I have come to the conclusion that, great as they are, I may just prefer a fuller, warmer more forward sound. Maybe that means I like a more colored sound or the "BBC midbass hump", which I know is audiophile heresy, but so be it. It's what I like. Just my two cents.

Going to take a good hard listen to the 802Di and the Sonus Faber Elipsa.
Before you spend a zillion dollars replacing the Salon 2s you might consider analyzing your system. I highly recommend a Dayton Audio OmniMic set-up from Parts Express. It'll run on any PC. You might find that you have a big suck-out in the 500Hz-2KHz range, which might explain your problem with vocals. It could just be that you need to adjust your speaker placement for room modes. Even if you end up getting a different speaker the OmniMic is a great tool for system set-up, so IMO you can't go wrong. Yeah, it's about $300, but compared to $15K speakers it's a nit.

A couple other questions:

Do you listen to the Salon2s with the grilles on or off? Have you tried both?

Have you tried adjusting the controls in the cable connection box?
Jeffkad, there's plenty of life, musicality and slam in my system and I'm not experiencing the issues you discuss. What's your other gear upstream from the Salon 2s?
These kind of suggestions have been made to Jeffkad at another forum. I think he is looking for something that's plug and play.
Irv, thanls for the recommendation. I think thats a good investment and I will try it. I have listened with grills on and off. The adjustments simply increase/decrease tweeter and decrease bass for close to wall placement. My issue is low bass and midrange among other issues I mentioned in my previous post.

Sfstereo, with all due respect, I was simply offering my perspective here, and all suggestions and comments are welcome, even if similar suggestions were made elsewhere. Having said that, you are not wrong, I would prefer something more plug and play and not have to mess around so much with placement, room, etc. However, there may be no such animal if I want to play on this level. I appreciate Irv's suggestion, as the Dayton OmniMic is something I can buy to see if indeed these is a suckout issue, and then decide if/how I want to deal with it. For what it's worth, I have moved them around and improved the bass response significantly, but still have recessed vocals on some CDs (just listened again to Clapton Unplugged Layla cut and his voice was quite recessed), as well as the "deconstruct" issue I raised above.