No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 

Mr. shadowcat2016
For your setup, a 2x0 AWG is recommanded.
A 10 AWG has 10 times the resistance of a 0 AWG.
The Bi-wire is a mistaken concept. A single wire that has the added thickness of the two of Bi-wire, would do better. If you would run this simulation on "Spice" you would see that. 
For the wire you have and the wire you need, it is x20 times worst.
Whay do you say: "I’ll play, why not, I might learn something useful". This service (doing the calculation for you) is given for free. At least for now... :-)

Mr. stevecham
Yes. 0.010 Ohm resistance is an excellent value for DF (output resistance). Someone did a good design and built a $37,000.- amp to reach that. Why to connect a cheap cable that would ruin it?

For example, if you would connect a cable, that has a 0.005 Ohms (one red and one black) that have a combined value of the same 0.010 Ohm, your DF would drop due to those cables from 500 to 250.

That's like paying for that amp $37,000 but enjoy only 1/2 of that. Most, use long an thin cables that would reflect a resistance that would limit the amps DF by 80% or more.

This is paying $37,000 but using only $7,400 of its potential. The rest, $29,600 will wait for a better time when a better cable will come…if it will ever come.


By the way...if you can buy a M1 for $ must have negotiated a very good deal.... ;)
Unfortunately, I paid a bit more some 5 month ago. (stereo version)
Mr. han_n

I found it here:
Sorry if I missed it. I rounded down the $37,475.- for each mono block to $37,000. At the place I call home it is not only accepted, but also expected to bargain (Israel).

The Gryphon Pendragon speakers are $195,000.- :

I hope you have the time to enjoy it. Must be a fantastic sound.

I believe that the current retail for a set of M1's is little over US $ 100k, however the Pendragons were sold for about US 175k. Bargaining on this kind of equipment is not easy. Even where I live (Indonesia) where indeed you are expected to bargain, however the moment you go for so called "high-end" there is not much bargaining anymore. You may get a good discount on a Toyota, but will pay the full price for a Lamborghini. As mentioned before, I'm happy with the sound I'm getting. Unfortunately current main issue is my room acoustics, I have moved house some time ago, and haven't tuned my new room yet. Major/alarming difference compared to my previous room. But a bit off-topic to elaborate about that on this thread.