On the fence about Vinyl need a good phono stage for A/B testing

Got myself Rega P6, but humm I am not so sure if I want to listen to Vinyl over lossless audio. I have SET tube amp and thinking if I have to get tube phono stage or a good SS will suffice. The speakers will be Legacy Aeris. 

I am thinking ti try out Project Tube Box DS2 but guessing if I should I go all out with Luxman EQ-500 or be rational and settle for Parasound JC3+.

The signal chain will be Rega P6 with Ortofon Bronze -> Phono Stage -> Legacy Wavelet processor -> Line Magnetic 508ia -> Legacy Aeris.

Any advice is helpful.

Also, I should note, that after using some nice but intro level Rega and Grado carts (both under $300 or so), I first made the jump to Roksan Corus cart (really a Goldring made for Roskan), then to an Ortofon 2M Black, and then to an AudioTechnica ART9.  
jbhiller thanks for pointing me to Manley Chinook the reviews are excellent. Yes point noted about finding well recorded vinyl records. 

pbnaudio B2B-1 sounds like great value for $.
You’re welcome OP. See my latest thread asking for help in how to make my digital sound better. I used to be in the opposite camp. :)
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Be sure to give a Parks Audio phono stage a serious listen!  Many trusted individuals I know swear that this little guy hits way above its asking price!
