Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?


You may find this forum more suitable in your quest for Internet fame. Audio forums do not seem to work that well.

But, before you switch your focus, could you elaborate on those 80 000 people and their results? Where could we find some legitimate proof of their existence?

I always thought you were the wannabe, glubson. Maybe you’re projecting.
The answer to the OP question is yes. In the timeline of earth we have barely crawled out of the caves. We have discovered some things but only a very small part of the big picture. The question of time, space , dimensionality or whatever we haven't discovered that doesn't have a name yet.My ears tell me something is going on beyond our very basic understandings of the universe. Those things science cannot explain. The answer is yes.


So what is going on with those 80 000 people you used as a reference to support your claims? Do they exist or not? You do not want to appear as a wannabe authority.

Ah, again, the process of belief trumps all, always, every time and then some.

Keep believing the nonsense and you will hear whatever you want to hear.

But, it's not science. Never was and never will be.