Cannot do 5.1 then does 3.1 make a difference or just stick to 2.1?

Does center channel make a difference when I cannot have anything more than a 3.1/3.2 setup?.
The front mains are Legacy Aeris and I just do not have space for Legacy marquis XD it is 14" in height just a bit much. I have to change the AV cabinet for that to work. Can I just live with the front mains and a sub for both music and movies?.
I agree with big_greg that you could look at the Legacy Cinema HD.  If money is not an issue and 10" is not too high, I would probably look at the Legacy Silverscreen HD instead, to keep the ribbon tweeter voicing that would match your Aeris. 

I don't know that I would recommend the Klipsch RC-7 because the horn-loaded tweeter is going to have a radically different voicing.   If you are going to look at different brands, I would look at a Dali Epicon Vokal first, because it uses a similar AMT ribbon tweeter and I think the voicing will be a lot closer than Klipsch.   However, the Legacy Silverscreen is still going to be the best.
Thanks all I decided to get the center channel and going all the way. Need to fix furniture later. Thanks again
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