How to assess and quantify system improvement and changes?

In one of the currently popular threads, a number of members (all of whom I respect) have made significant claims regarding system improvement.

For example: A recent post mentions "a double or triple improvement in my system." A conversation a few days ago with two audio buddies had them quantifying a DAC change as a 10% improvement by one and 30% by another.

This, by virtue of our pursuit, occurs throughout our discussions in the various threads.

Starting this thread to see if we can mine the collective and come up with guidelines and outcomes that are reproducible, relevant and reliable for comparisons and discussions between audiophiles.

President Trump is 10% more beautiful than Chinese president but 1000% less so than French president Macron.
Extrapolate this and you'll get scientific method par excellance.
@inna  funny and thought provoking.  And I get the point. : )

@ebm  I'm honoured. I figured a "Let me think really hard about that and get back to you tomorrow!" : )

Seriously though, take a stab at it if you feel it's worthwhile.
I’ve been guilty of hyperbole also, but I realize I was doing such a disservice to so many. Now I try very hard to put things in perspective and frequently say, "there are no absolutes in audio, only preferences. In addition, I submit at a certain level night and day differences don't exist.
I would love it if someone could make any headway in this endeavor, but I know of no way to quantify subjective measures of performance. This "equation", if you will, would probably have to be broken down into many parts with exact definitions of all the terms involved. I wouldn't even know how to begin.