Oppo 205 revelations, questions..

Just installed my OPPO 205 27.09.18. •Surprisingly pleased with having a volume control on the remote! No comment on its quality just the pleasure when answering the cell. Hadn’t even checked the features of the 205 before buying- just wanted to grab this “Swiss Army knife equivalent in disc spinners. 
•Dr. No, 1st James Bond flic,a very old DVD,was very significantly enhanced on my 52 inch Pany plasma from 8’ viewing using HDMI . I was surprised at the improvement of this low budget film. Sound quality also significantly more clear and dynamic than that off my Lexicon RT 20, which I had found acceptable for DVD’s. No going back. 
•Improvements to sound on CDs obvious from the first turn on.  I will listen to some RR discs tonight to use for comparison after a week of “break in”. 
•my biggest take away from the improved CD sound : an itch to obtain even better CD sound from a dedicated DAC. Perhaps a Berkely DAC 1 or ?? Something similarly economical but better??? Thanks in advance for comments on this. 
•I set the the DVD 24p conversion ‘on’ and custom resolution to 1080p 24 hz. The movie looked good. Is this the optimal setting?
• obviously I was one of the last few to receive a 205. I’m fully satisfied with purchase; and consider myself very lucky not having to to consider other options. Thanks for reading. Pete
I am, its making me rethink my whole system. Well maybe not all of it, but certainly the front end.
I don't know guys.  I like mine very much, but I would have to say my favorite part is probably the headphone jack.  It sounds really good with the Oppo PM3 headphones, which I was lucky enough to get on Amazon for $399.  I like the simplicity of just plugging into 1 box and listening.  But sonically I think it's good but not surprisingly so.  I am pleased that the CD replay is better than I thought it would be, but the SACD doesn't really seem much better, if at all.  But if we're passing along any tips here, I would say that it sounds markedly better when warmed up for a few hours and leaving it on Pure, or whatever it's called when you turn off the video, makes it run much cooler.  But all in all, given the fact that it's a 1-box player that plays everything and has a good headphone output, I'm very happy with my purchase at the original list price.  

 I am loving mine too. I got my 205 modded by Ric Schultz at EVS and his mods make a really big difference in pretty much every way. I am simply shocked at what a Redbook Compact Disc can now sound like....even once bright sounding discs sound great. As good as a stock 205 sounds after having Ric's mods done I bet it competes very well with dacs costing a whole lot more. I would also highly recommend the Schroeder Method of using double IC runs (Teo Audio Ultra's) using RCA Y connectors as well as the Perfect Path Contact Enhancer. My system has kept improving almost weekly, for the past 11 weeks, to the point where I may not purchase new speakers anymore. I am simply thrilled at the sound coming out of my Hales Transcendance 5's now!
@tuffy72561  Appreciate input. I like Caig Gold for cleaning and Stabilant 22 for contact enhancement. I’m considering EVS mods.