Cary 805 questions; with Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers
I just bought a pair of Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers (92 dB efficient but some impedance dips in bass and treble). Looking for a good tube amplifier. I use a Thor TA-1000 preamp and listen to mostly vinyl (Sota Star Sapphire, Koetsu Rosewood Signature. Half jazz, the rest split between blues, classical and rock. I am quite allergic to any treble brightness but appreciate treble extension if it doesn't create fatigue. That said, I prioritize a rich, real midrange, and like a somewhat laid back stage perspective.
Stereophile described the Amati load as "The speaker is a moderately demanding load, however, as can be seen from its plots of impedance magnitude and electrical phase angle against frequency (figs.1 and 2). With a maximum of 7.8 ohms, but a value below 6 ohms in the midrange and below 4 ohms in the bass and high treble, a good 4 ohm-rated amplifier will be called for."
I appreciate any thoughts about other tube amps that might be good with the Amati's. Also I have questions about Cary 805 monos in particular because I have a chance to buy a pair locally:
1. Do the 805s have a forward presentation?
2. Do the 805 create "larger than life" images? I owned them for a short time quite a while ago and recollect that images were very big.
3. Does anyone know if they would work well with the Amatis?
thanks for any thoughts!