Cary 805 questions; with Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers

I just bought a pair of Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers (92 dB efficient but some impedance dips in bass and treble). Looking for a good tube amplifier. I use a Thor TA-1000 preamp and listen to mostly vinyl (Sota Star Sapphire, Koetsu Rosewood Signature. Half jazz, the rest split between blues, classical and rock. I am quite allergic to any treble brightness but appreciate treble extension if it doesn't create fatigue. That said, I prioritize a rich, real midrange, and like a somewhat laid back stage perspective.

Stereophile described the Amati load as "The speaker is a moderately demanding load, however, as can be seen from its plots of impedance magnitude and electrical phase angle against frequency (figs.1 and 2). With a maximum of 7.8 ohms, but a value below 6 ohms in the midrange and below 4 ohms in the bass and high treble, a good 4 ohm-rated amplifier will be called for."

I appreciate any thoughts about other tube amps that might be good with the Amati's. Also I have questions about Cary 805 monos in particular because I have a chance to buy a pair locally:

1. Do the 805s have a forward presentation?
2. Do the 805 create "larger than life" images? I owned them for a short time quite a while ago and recollect that images were very big.
3. Does anyone know if they would work well with the Amatis?

thanks for any thoughts!
Cary 805 questions; with Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers

Sorry montaldo never, not in anyones lifetime, with this SF’s impedance curve. You’ll have very little bass power, and a very peaked up upperbass and mid.

And this is the Cary’s response into 8 and 4ohm restive loads from it’s two taps, can you imagine what those 2ohm dips of the SF’s would do on top of this!!! The amps are already tone controls into 4 or 8 ohm resistors, let alone into this speakers impedance curve

Cheers George
Wow thanks George. The gentleman I bought the Amati's from used it will 805s for 20 years. But maybe he just couldn't hear the problems.

Does the math ever not manifest in overall presentation? Is this really an open and shut case?

 The Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers are very nice speakers. You really want around 100 wpc in a tube amp. I know they are 92db. I have Sonus Faber Elipsa SE and use a Ref 110. If you don't have enough power the bass and sound stage can suffer. With less power, the bass of my Elipsa SE sounds less defined and not as crisp.

 You really need to just borrow a few different amps from a dealer and spend a few weekends comparing. The usual paring with Sonus Faber are Audio Research or McIntosh. But I am sure there are others brands that will work just as well.