OK to remove Tweeter Grill??

I know I read something..perhaps in the Mapleshade catalog about removing the hard plastic grills in front of the tweeters.
These would be easy to remove with a pair of wire dikes but impossible to replace back to factory condition. Any tests on such a move?
If my speakers were still under warranty there is NO way I would follow their dumbass advice. If removing that little plastic thingy really improved the sound, don't you think the factory would have done that by now?

In front of the tweeters on my big B&W800's and adjacent midrange I did remove the cloth grill.
In front of the tweeters, behind the cloth grill are plastic rings that serve to focus the tweeters, and they should NEVER be removed!

OK the speakers are not in warranty and I do not plan on removing the plastic grill attached. Of course I do always remove the cloth grill when playing music. End of story.