1) KEF Reference 1 with Lyngdrof. Use for a few years and then change to a floor stander, such as the Magico A3.
2) Magico A3 with Lyngdorf. Maybe suffer for a few years in the small room until I move to the new room. I have never heard this combo.
I have heard the KEF Reference 1 with various types of amps and love that speaker. I have heard the Magico A3 with both various Mark Levinson gear and Benchmark gear (AHB2 + DAC3L). Loved it with the ML gear so much so that I sold the Benchmark gear (I liked it with the Benchmark). My thinking was I would buy the Magico A3 and ML 585 for the office. However, when I finally picked a house, the ugly room size made a surprising entry into the equation. So room correction became a top priority.
I am typing this as I listen to the Class D Peachtree Nova 150 with KEF LS50’s and it sounds good in my bedroom. So I have an open mind to the Class D Lyngdorf.
Can any of you Lyngdorf fans advise me as to what would be the better choice of the 2 speakers I listed with the Lyngdrof in the small room? I like both speakers so my question is about the integration of either speaker into this small room with the Lyngdorf. The A3 would be my longer term choice, 2 years down the line in the bigger office. Can the A3 be room corrected into this small space? Are the Magico A3 and the Lyngdorf a good combination even if room correction was not needed?
BTW - Tomorrow, I have my Audience 1+1 V3 speaker coming back from Audience after an upgrade. This is what I will use with maybe a tube amp if neither the KEF Ref 1 or Magico A3 sound good with the Lyngdorf (hedging my bet) otherwise I will likely sell the 1+1.