Most underrated composer of 20th Century?

My choice is Bohuslav Martinu .
I did THINK that anyone would know I was referring only to Classical.
Those not alive and of the age of reason before rock arose have no idea of the great harm rock has done to society.
And thats not just the sour-grapes of an old man.
"Those not alive and of the age of reason before rock arose have no idea of the great harm rock has done to society."

I have to wonder about rock music as a cause of great harm as opposed to being part of the reaction to great harm. Great harm certainly existed in spades prior to rock music. The major World Wars and all that came after those are just the most recent and better known examples.
Of course there has always been evil, and Rock has been a great help to the evil one in glorifying the baser elements of human nature to its service .
Maybe the core of Rock and pop culture in general also serves a more redeeming second purpose by helping to bring all those baser elements out into plain view where they are easier to deal with, rather than be hidden where they might strike without warning?

I tend to believe both to be true. Plus not all rock/pop culture is bad/evil. There are more shades of grey involved, not pure black and white.
The ancient strategy of the evil one is to cloak evil in the guise of banality.

A person, or a society, is either getting better or worse.
Not all rock is bad or evil per se, but its no help which
in the end is evil. You don't get to"hell' by jumping off a cliff but by sliding down a slope.
True, there are shades of gray , but the important stuff tends toward black and white.

Its true there is less hypocrisy now than before rock,which may be a good thing in personal relations but is not necessarily a good thing for society in general.
Hypocrisy is the tribute vice plays to virtue, permission to feel guilt-free is no advance.