ProAc Response 2.5 Vs. Spendor SP1

Well I truly love my SP1's but a pair of Proac Response 2.5 has come up for sale locally and I am going to look/listen at them tonight. Anybody want to way in..... Is it a bit of a sideways move or do the ProAc's offer a bit more ,for instance in the sound stage dept. Thanks, All :)
I used to own Spendor 9/1 and I liked the Proac 2.5 better. They are pretty inefficient, so they work well with a fairly powerful amplifier which has some grip.

I thought the sound stage was better and the bass response much better.
I should say that I am using a 60w per side AronovTube power amp an Audio Research SP6b tube preamp. And a REL sub.
Those are two different birds. The Spendor more relaxed, and the Proac faster and more holographic. If you hear them, you'll know pretty quickly.
Thanks,guys I will listen to them. From what I read 60w per side of tube power should be enough for them, Yes?
The Aronov will get the job done. I ran mine with an Aronov integrated for a while.