My Amp is Broken - Not Sure What to Do - Any Recommendations?

I went to turn on my Audio Research SD135 amplifier the other day, but it will not turn on. According to the Audio Research service technician I spoke to, the problem is a broken Thermal Trak module chip. He said that it is a temperature sensing component, and that replacements are no longer being manufactured. He said that it is a known problem, and that Audio Research will give me credit to purchase an Audio Research amplifier from an Audio Research authorized dealer. 

I was wondering if Audio Research makes anything powerful enough to drive Vandersteen 3A Signature speakers (which need between 100 - 200 watts of power)? I am using an Audio Research SP8 Mk II as a pre-amp.

I don't really have much of a budget and am not sure what to do. I would appreciate any advice. Thank you.

Contact George Meyer AV in Los Angeles or Musical fidelity in Culver City.

They can repair the unit.

Go for an Audio Odyssey Stratos Extreme amp. You won't be sorry! It's the best valued amp on the market! Very reliable great sounding and has a 20 year warranty! It blows away many more expensive high end amps.

I've owned mine for over 15 years now and still love it!

It does require a long break in period.

It blows away many more expensive high end amps. Really.  Help me out here and just name a few for me please.
Ralph the OP was referring to thermaltrak output chips made by OnSemi.  Can’t be bypassed.  They were discontinued for a while. Now back in
the market.