Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

"We have barely scratched the surface of physics."

We are all, me included, taught that there is more out there, but what this is all that there is? There is no guarantee that more explanations for many things are coming our way. Is there a time limit when we may say "we have waited enough, there is actually nothing beyond this"?

Having said that, for the time being, we should try to find more.

“Burn in is experienced by many people.”

The placebo effect or expectancy effect is also experienced by many people.

>>>>>Yeah, right. You know this how? Are you psychic? Did you text them?
You know this how?
Know which?
1. Burn in is experienced by many people. as reported by @blueranger or
2. Expectancy effect is experienced by many people.
Which of those statements is more likely to have come from a psychic?
Can you be sure I have not been texting with the 80,000 you claim to "hear it"?


I am sure you have not been texting with the 80 000 who "hear it".

I know this how?

There are no 80 000. geoffkait said the other day that he made them up.

(page 14 of this thread, October 12, 2018)

We should finally put this 80 000 fantasy to rest and never mention it again.