Kost_amojan, I didn’t think my house was hard to build, plumb and wire, but I had some idea about what I was doing. I would like to learn about electronics but that will probably never happen. I’m impressed it would be easy for you to make your own cables. I always admire people who have the skills to do things. That cryogenic freezing of cables sounds pretty hokey to me too, although I know zero about it. I’ll think about your last post tomorrow when I’m not so tired. There’s a lot to learn about cables as you say. I’ve only been reading up on them two or three days now.
If I can find some relatively expensive cables that are universally recognized as being of high quality, and would likely synergize with my equipment, maybe that’s a direction to go. I’ll probably get the VPI phono cable which isn’t too bad at $300 and is supposed to match the wiring in my VPI Classic 2. So I only need pricey speaker cables at this point. I'd really like to find something I wouldn't have to replace later on. I can deal with power cords, power conditioners, and the like at a later date. Appreciate your advice.
Jackd. I’ll add the Audio Sensibility name to my list of cables to look into. Thanks
Shkong. I’ve added Audio Note and Analysis Audio cables to my list too. It’s amazing how many cable manufacturers there are out there. Thanks for your followup with some more details on the Audio notes.
Jones4music, "Just quantum tunnel and run 3,000,000 volts and move on with it?" Can I borrow your quantum blaster when your done with it? In order to reduce external noise pollution the next door neighbors yappy new dog could use a taste of that.
Inna, I may consider buying used cables from a reliable source. I don’ t think cables could get abused as easily as components that I wouldn’t want to buy used might. Unless maybe you ran them over when vacuuming. Used, I could get closer to some top of the line stuff, and be done with it. Maybe I’ll luck into some used Nordost Valhallas or some such at a cut rate reasonable cost. I’d prefer to not go much over a thousand for speaker cables if I have to.
I’ll have to figure out good, reliable sources for used speaker cables. I was looking at The Cable Company site tonight. There must be other sources too. I can afford good cables, just don’t want spend money on them versus other things. But it looks more and more like I have to suck it up. I don’t want to marginalize the rest of the system I’ve put so much into just like you say. So it goes. I’ll get over it in a few days and after another thousand or so is gone with the wind.
If I can find some relatively expensive cables that are universally recognized as being of high quality, and would likely synergize with my equipment, maybe that’s a direction to go. I’ll probably get the VPI phono cable which isn’t too bad at $300 and is supposed to match the wiring in my VPI Classic 2. So I only need pricey speaker cables at this point. I'd really like to find something I wouldn't have to replace later on. I can deal with power cords, power conditioners, and the like at a later date. Appreciate your advice.
Jackd. I’ll add the Audio Sensibility name to my list of cables to look into. Thanks
Shkong. I’ve added Audio Note and Analysis Audio cables to my list too. It’s amazing how many cable manufacturers there are out there. Thanks for your followup with some more details on the Audio notes.
Jones4music, "Just quantum tunnel and run 3,000,000 volts and move on with it?" Can I borrow your quantum blaster when your done with it? In order to reduce external noise pollution the next door neighbors yappy new dog could use a taste of that.
Inna, I may consider buying used cables from a reliable source. I don’ t think cables could get abused as easily as components that I wouldn’t want to buy used might. Unless maybe you ran them over when vacuuming. Used, I could get closer to some top of the line stuff, and be done with it. Maybe I’ll luck into some used Nordost Valhallas or some such at a cut rate reasonable cost. I’d prefer to not go much over a thousand for speaker cables if I have to.
I’ll have to figure out good, reliable sources for used speaker cables. I was looking at The Cable Company site tonight. There must be other sources too. I can afford good cables, just don’t want spend money on them versus other things. But it looks more and more like I have to suck it up. I don’t want to marginalize the rest of the system I’ve put so much into just like you say. So it goes. I’ll get over it in a few days and after another thousand or so is gone with the wind.