Speaker Recommendation: 20K range

I’m looking for new speakers in the <20K range. 

I am not looking for used, unless it’s a demo model straight from an AD.

I am hoping to find a line that clearly beats speakers in the ~10K range like Magico A3, Revel 228BE, Legacy Focus SE etc.

I will be pairing the speakers with a Lumin D2 streamer, Mcintosh C2600 pre and MC452 amp. Changing those components is not going to happen anytime soon and so system synergy with those pieces is important. 

I also would like the speakers to be rated at 500W given the amp I will be using and the fact that the listening space is quite large. 

While I mostly listen to jazz, rock, pop, classical and vocals, I am really looking for speakers that sound amazing with any genre. I also need them to sound great at moderate levels of volume. 

I currently have Focal Kanta No 2s, and while they are quite nice, I want something much better in all respects. 

I am not really up to speed on all the audiophile terms that describe the various traits of sound – I just want my jaw to drop when listening to the speakers with any genre at all volume levels, if that’s possible :) 

I am close to NYC and would like to narrow down the list to ~5 candidates before I start auditioning.

Hopefully you guys can help me compile a list!

Thanks in advance for your time and suggestions.

I second the Vandersteen Quatro Ct and save about 5 grand or if you have to spend the whole 20k order them in ebony wood
Hello chandybe ~

Thanks for your post and congrats on what will undoubtedly be a wonderful, exhausting
and 'enlightened' journey! You certainly should have high expectations, given your budget
and I applaud your 'courage' to put this request out there with as many opinions as you will find responses. That's not to say you will not benefit from the various degrees of opinions; only that no one will know as much as you when you finally confront the experience of that one, almost unexplainable moment when your next speaker finds YOU and takes you home...and that should happen AT home!

I think every serious consideration HAS to be auditioned in your room and that's extremely difficult unless you are prepared to spend a great deal of time AND can find dealers (you will not likely find one with everything you should consider) that are willing to allow their speakers out of their hands, even with a significant deposit.

Your concerns about compatibility with your electronics is valid, but your room is FAR more important than your gear. You have to get the various models into your space; with your electronics before you should make any commitment.
My opinion... 

I would add to the list of wonderful speakers already put forth, the remarkable
Bowers & Wilkins 802D3 and the Martin-Logan Renaissance 15.
Both models are a little over your budget, but the B&W's could likely be bought for $20,000
or in the case of the ML's, a little over $21,000.

They represent very different approaches to sound reproduction, but both have that 'magical' ability to transport you to somewhere else and given your already high standards, based on your current set-up, you probably have to spend what you're prepared to spend to get that 'significant' improvement you are looking for.

You will be surprised how each speaker interacts with your room (for better or worse) and the type of music you enjoy will no doubt play some role in which model you respond to the most.
The relationship with your dealer has to be of some importance. With such a significant expenditure, you want to be sure you have their support and ultimately, their respect.

I hope this finds you well and working through these 'interesting times'
Have a great time with this; I'm sure once you find your next speaker, it will provide years and years of enjoyment. 

Best regards,
Jim Gray
Jim Gray Designs
bassdude2I have been eyeballing those Legacy speakers for awhile now. If I had the cash of the OP, I would be auditioning a couple in the Legacy lineup. They seem to have really tightened up their build quality in the past deacde, a local dealer used to carry them when the build quality was poor and stopped carrying them. I like the Legacy, the Vandersteen and a few by Volti Audio, like these http://voltiaudio.com/vittora/. The Vittora comes with an ultra low frequency bass driver that would really push in those low frequencies. Not to mention the extreme beauty of the wood cabinet finish- they look very retro-cool.
OP... BTW the Volti is right at your price point....https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2013/02/17/hello-goodbye-six-weeks-with-the-volti-audio-vittora/
I own a set of Sopra 2’s and they sound excellent. My system is all tube gear, but I have heard them with the Mcintosh components you have. In smaller rooms, the Focal’s can sound a little bright, as do B&W, but a larger room should help.  Room treatments did wonders for my system, so I recommend, as others have, that you give some thought to them. 

I have also auditioned some some of the speakers you are considering. Sopra will Sound much better than Kanta in every way. They are really in different leagues. Given your budget, Sopra 3 is a better choice than 2. They are the same drives for tweeter and midrange, but the 3’s have more body in the lower octaves. B&W, in my opinion Sound a little thin until you get power running through them. Once the volume goes up, they will open up and sound really nice. 

Dali and Dynaudio speakers will be a totally different sound than Focal or B&W. They are much more laid back. Given that your electronics are a little laid back, I would caution that you may swing to far in the other direction if you aren’t careful. Definitely audition them if you can, but I would spend significant time with them before making the purchase to ensure you will be happy 6 months later. 
Monitor Audio has the PL II series. The 200 and 300 are in your price range. I have the 100s, which are stand mount. They are fab. The 200 and 300 have been very well reviewed. 
My experience with Monitor speakers has been great...