Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

Seems like the non believers care more about being eloquent than being logical.
Fine, frame a syllogism that rationally supports your views, free from rancor or sophistry. We shall go from there. 🐈💩
That's the problem with lawyers.  They care more about confusing with subjectives than the truth.  

Eloquence and logic are not mutually exclusive. In fact, eloquence is ability to present logical thinking in a better and, often, easier-to understand, way. I think you are confusing magicians, con artists, swindlers, hustlers, little neighborhood crooks, and a few more with the skill and gift that eloquence actually is. You seem to think that anything that is laid out nicely must be there to get you somehow. It is not always the case. It really is not. Just like the truth which can also be pretty.

How did lawyers' personality characteristics end up here?

There seems to be a trend or commonality in this thread.  The non believers are acting like lawyers, the rationals follow logic and science.