Those of us that stream and utilize computer based audio will find these Ecards wonderful. Place them near critical areas like usb filters or reclockers. Near the outputs of your streamer no matter the type of interface used. If you use LPSs to power your clocks, filters, computers, servers etc...., then place an Ecard in each of these power supplies. If you have a special Pink Faun, SOTM or other sound card, then place the Ecard near it.
Point of clarification. These can just be placed on top of the unit as there is no need to place them inside the gear. The card’s back is conductive so if one decides to place these inside gear, then proper care must be taken to avoid any possibility of the card causing an unintended short. I was able to place them inside my gear as I have lots of experience inside electronics.
Point of clarification. These can just be placed on top of the unit as there is no need to place them inside the gear. The card’s back is conductive so if one decides to place these inside gear, then proper care must be taken to avoid any possibility of the card causing an unintended short. I was able to place them inside my gear as I have lots of experience inside electronics.