Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Very strange reality of looking at these simple and benign looking cards, mats and tiny tube of paste and experiencing what they do.  Sort of messes with my mind and sense of reason. 
Great to hear grannyring! I have a Sonore ultraRendu that I intend to put an e-card under and over when I get ready to order some. Glad to see you’re getting such good results!

i just moved in to my new place and was able to this time paste some TC to the wall wire to my Furutech NCF receptacles for both my HT and main stereo rig with great results. Still need to try the TC on my speakers crossovers.
Grannyring,  I agree with you.  I have 6 e mats and waiting on more in the mail.  With each e mat added the sound gets better and better.  I have never been so happy with my system as I am now.  
I was thinking about starting a new thread on this one, but Its just as well to have at it here.

I received my five-pack of the Alpha E Cards in today's mail. The first experiment was with my cell phone. I placed one E Card inside the back of the cell phone's protective cover. I immediately noticed a sharper, clearer picture with better color. After that, I took a break to watch the LSU vs Georgia game. 

I'm now typing this at my computer (duh!) and listening to Spotify through my Grado RS-1 headphones. The Grado's have a flat surface on the outside of the ear speakers. I just completed an experiment. I took the other four cards, put two in each hand, and held them up to the flat Grado surface. This makes for a very easy A/B comparison. 

The Grado's are a very  nice headphone and I've enjoyed them immensely over the years. Bottom line ... When I held the E Cards up to the phones, the sound became much more spacious with lots more inner-detail. More musical too. With the E cards removed, all the benefits go away. 

Highly recommended ... !!
