Speakers for First Watt SIT-1 amp

My favorite sound seems to come from an SET amp and single-driver speakers but I want to leave the amp on all the time and I have kids in the house so I decided to exclude output tubes.  I went on a hunt for a solid state amp with an SET sound and landed on the First Watt SIT-1 monoblocks which I love.  I'm using them with Omega Super Alnico High Output monitors and it's a great combo but I wonder how much better speakers like this can get with this amp.  I have my eye on Voxativ, Teresonic, Audience, and maybe Audio Note or Daedalus.  Any suggestions?

I also have a set of the SAM’s and they are a special speaker you may want to look at adding a subwoofer with SAM’s or preferably two of them.

I run SET 300b tubes and have been also looking at many speakers suitable for low power. I have a very nice and wonderful sounding set of Living Voice speakers 94db. These are some of the most musical speakers I have ever owned.

I’ve also owned AudioNote AN/E’s another great speaker but they do need a room with two corners to sound their best. they are not quite as efficient as the spec’s claim though.

Voxativ’s are a more refined (and much more expensive) version of what you have with the SAM’s but I have only heard an older first gen version but they are nice as well.

I did a write up of the SAM’s here a week ago and covered much with the AN/e’s and LV’s when I compared them to the SAM’s.

coincident speaker, spatial audio, Prue audio project, Zu audio, tekton and supravox field coils are a few others that come to mind that make high efficiency speakers.

Charles1dad is another member who has had much experience with low power amps and high efficient speakers he may chime in and give you some more suggestions.

I’ll be honest the SAM’s do some things that only full range drives can do and you may miss that with something else, I know i’m seriously thinking of selling my Living Voice speakers and buying a couple subs or possibly the HO floor standing version.

just to add its not necessary to leave tube amps on all the time. and frankly class A amps don't need it either 5 mins and your fully heated up.

In this day and age there is not reason to waist the energy turn them on grab a drink, kiss the spouse and go listen.

I'm using Tekton open baffle speakers with Valvet mono blocks. They are also single end ss amps. They put out around 18 watts at 4 ohms. Not sure what the first watt is rated at, but the Tekton/Valvet combination sounds spectacular.  
Srajan Ebaen of 6moons discusses the SIT 1 driving the Cube Audio Nenuphar in his review of these speakers. I'm considering them. Take a look. 
@boxer12  I can imagine that being a fantastic paring. I considered Valvet for my Tekton speakers also. I recently reconsidered their latest monoblocks for another application. I'd love to hear more about your system. Hope you are open to sharing some additional information here. Thanks.
Given the SIT-1’s very high 4 ohm output impedance, and the fact that it has a lower power rating for a 4 ohm load than for an 8 ohm load, I suspect that the sonics provided by the amp itself would be significantly improved if you were to go to speakers having considerably higher impedance than the "4-6 ohms" of your present speakers.

Regarding the mention of Daedalus, I am a very happy owner of Lou’s Ulysses model, which have a particularly flat and benign impedance curve, but I suspect that their 6 ohm nominal impedance would result in their being a less than optimal match for the SIT-1.

To add to the candidates that have been suggested, if it fits your budget you may want to consider the Devore O/96 (96 db/1W/1m, 10 ohms nominal, 8.75 ohms min).

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al