Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Darn it!
Probably going to have to order another pack of 5 ecards now!
May as well throw another mat in while I am at it!
Come on Guys, you make me spend more money.

E mat appears to be too expensive.

I will try out E-card instead.

I shall not come into threads in Audiogon Forum to save money.
We can certainly help you spend money here!
But with a $100k system you may be shocked how much further you can elevate its performance.
The TC treatment on the power conditioner and speaker crossovers are really paying dividends now. Its been just about four weeks since the power conditioner was treated and almost two weeks for the crossovers.

As most of us have experienced, there’s a jump in SQ at four weeks and another one at eight weeks after pasting with TC. Well, last night, the four-week jump from the power conditioner kicked in big time.

Lawdy Lawdy, Miss Claudie ... I dug deep into the LP vault and pulled out some early 60’s and 70’s rock records. I listen to this stuff very rarely, preferring jazz, jazz vocals, and classical. BUT ... after last night there will be more "rockin" going on at my place for sure.

The combination of the Total Contact and the Omega E Mats allows one to hear into the music so much further. What a joy!
