The future of new music.......

I recently posted about my disappointment with the SQ of both of Alabama Shakes’ albums. The CDs have shockingly poor dynamic range and outrageous loudness. The HD Tracks versions are similar. Simply unpleasant to listen too. I can tweak them with the equalizer in iTunes (!) and improve things a little. The vinyl is slightly better but does not appear to be worth the foray into high end vinyl playback.

I like my old rock but still like to find and enjoy new music.

But when I do research into new acts I am finding the same problems that I did with Alabama Shakes. No quality recordings. Period. Some point to vinyl but as with Alabama Shakes the vinyl might be marginally better but with some bands it is no better at all. And as pointed out above the HD Tracks are just like the CDs.....high res poor recordings.

I have found this to be true for great new(ish) rock acts like The Struts, Gary Clark, Jr. and Tedeschi Trucks. No good recordings. Same with Neko Case....but she is not so new.

I’m assuming this is because there is just no demand for hi-fi level recordings these days? Does it really cost that much more to produce a CD/file/record with high dynamic range and modest loudness?

I’ve seen threads here that suggest that hi-fi is dying out because younger folks just don’t get it (ear buds and Spotify are enough for them). But if new music is being recorded/produced/out put at such low quality that just seems like another nail in the coffin.

A question: Since I can tweak some of this music in a crude equalizer like the one in iTunes, is there a better, higher end way of doing the same thing with an external or other software based tool?

@n80, same here. I'll always love vinyl but just don't want the hassle of dealing with bad pressings, cartridge cleaning, storage etc. Almost all of my most precious musical memories were from my vinyl days, and many favourite albums never sounded as good on CD.

However, all is not lost with digital for those that do want to listen to mainstream music (and not just the ubiquitous well recorded Hi-Fi show fare). Since the main issue is with dynamic compression, some of this can be ameliorated by the use of loudspeakers noted for good dynamics. 

Perhaps this is why (along with SET amps) we see a following for high efficiency designs such as those made by Audio Note,  DeVore, Living Voice, Tannoy and especially JBL and Zu etc.

As for adding dynamic range, I can do this on my MP3 player and TV with mixed results, but I'm not sure if it's advisable to even try it on a full range system.  
I don't know which Neko Case lp you're referring to , but "Hell On" is nowhere near digital sounding.

I have Fox Confessor. Loudness is over the top. Dynamic range is poor. Disappointing. I still listen to it because I like it but it sounds better with software based EQ adjustment...which is a shame. Middle Cyclone should arrive at my house soon. It also has poor dynamic range. I'll let you know how it sounds (on my system) when I get it. I do not have Hell On.

Understand, I'm not criticizing the music. I'm critical of production quality. The more I research the more I find that few if any contemporary artists are releasing media with high level production quality especially on CD or hi res downloads. It looks like vinyl, in general, is being recorded at a higher quality level but again, I cannot comment on that as the vinyl portion of my system is subpar. But the DR specs on these new albums is nowhere close to good pressings of older music.

It will be hard to justify spending thousands on a better turntable, phono-preamp and cart in order to listen to mediocre and expensive recordings. Could I do it for less? Probably. Would a basic U-turn TT and a Schiit Mani do the trick? I don't know. Time will tell if it is worth it to me.

Actually "Fox Confessror…"is one of my favorites by her for content and SQ. 

I think you're looking at this completely wrong. The better tt/tonearms/cartridges, isolation, etc... will bring out more. It's your current system(tt) that you've never revealed that is the problem.

So maybe I’m confused. If the dynamic range of a recording is low how can anything in the playback chain make that dynamic range larger? And if all it takes is good equipment then why such concern from engineers and audiophiles who care about SQ? Why the DR database? Why the obvious SQ variation between recordings with broad DR and those with narrow DR (which are typically those with high loudness)?

And to be clear, this is not just about vinyl. The problem is clearly bigger with CDs and downloadable files.

I have Fox Confessor on CD. At less than 1/3 volume it is loader than most of my ’reference’ CDs at 1/2 volume. At higher volumes it is unpleasant to listen to. Maybe its just me.

Got Middle Cyclone in the mail today. Will post my impression here later this evening.

You mention several times that I have not ’revealed’ my TT. Actually I have....but for the record it is a direct drive Sony PS-T2 with Grado’s lowest end cart on it. The cart is new. Just recently the motor is making an audible hum. If vinyl is in my future it seems clear that this Sony won’t be.