Anybody listen to Ohm Walsh speaker w/digital amp?

Digital amps have such a "grip" on loudspeakers I couldn't help but wonder what Ohm Walsh speakers sound like with digital amps. I'm currently running my Ohm Walsh 200MkII's with a Denon AVR-3805 surround receiver. Anybody heard such a set-up with say a PS Audio, or Bel Canto, digital amp???
MBL lovers (Pedrillo, this means you!) take note!

Marty, thanks for sharing your findings.

"There are tracks on Lindsey Buckingham's "Under The Skin" on which this combo "lights up" the front of the room in a way I've never before experienced in my home. (I have heard MBLs manage this trick at a dealer's showroom.)"

MBL lovers (Pedrillo, this means you!) take note!
BTW, to clarify on SS with subs. I actively cross at 80hz (like the Ohm subs) and level match the subs to the mains with the room analyzer and PEq in the SMS sub controller. This has the effect of "neutralizing" the warm character of the TAD amps. I'm not quite sure why, but the inherent warmth of the TADs seemed audible (though not dramatic, especially compared to full range tube amps) when the 100s are paired up full range, and -to my ear- virtually undetectable when the bass is crossed out in the fashion described above. I'm sure the "warmth" of the TADs is a frequency effect well above 80hz, but I guess the level matching and/or subwoofer output effectively masks the phenomenon.


You have some nice stuff to experiment with.

How many different amps + stuff do you own?

I agree with the "Quads with more bass" analogy for the newer OHM Walshes. "Quads with more meat on the bones for less" is specifically what I was shooting for when I decided to go with the newer OHMs.
I don't want to admit this because I'm sure that it qualifies as some sort of medical disorder:


Cary 300B monos
Cary 805s
PL 7s
BC integrated
Patos Classic Integrated
PanCor Dyna Reissue pre&power


Sonus Faber Cremonas (and Minuettos)
Verity P/E
Merlin VSM SE(subsequently upgraded)
Maggie MMGs
Zingali 3 horns
Silverline Sonatinas and Preludes


Ohm 100s


Oracle/Graham/Transiguration or Lyra - (2 wands)
Acoustic Solid/Rega (modded)/Clearaudio
Cary 303/300
QSonix 100 w/Benchmark DAC 1

Part of this is due to consolidation of 5 homes I've lived in over the last decade, but mostly it's just a diseased mind. Eventually, I'll seek treatment.


PS - As dramatic sounding as the MBL speakers are (and they are the most dramatic sounding speakers I've ever heard), the Ohms are far more neutral. I don't think I could live with MBLs as my only speaker - the colorations would drive me nuts. Maybe I'll just have to add a pair one day ;-)

Take consolation in the fact that many of us on this sight share in your mindset and I personally would love to be able to play with all those nice toys!

In defense of your sanity though, better to try lots of different things at reasonable price points in order to achieve the "ultimate sound" rather than put all your eggs in a single basket, so to me there is a method to your madness.
