Yes Inna, it does seem like a lot of cash for a similar sound but one can purchase a used EAR Acute (strictly for CD playback) for $2K.
Sometimes the magazines go crazy for new technologies but downplay the negatives. High Fidelity cables have never sounded good in over a dozen very different systems I’ve heard them in. Yes, they have patented the heavy magnetic cable implementation, the bigger magnets, the more expensive (and the worst sounding).
Sometimes they leave out the required synergies necessary to make something sound great. B&W speakers (as well as Wilson and Magicos) need a TON of power to sound as good as the reveiewers say. No SETs or typical amps without great current reserves for them.
Also, back in the 90s, a Counterpoint Amp was deemed mediocre by RH and returned to the manufacturer. They said they changed it. He then gave it a big thumbs up stating how good it is. Turns out, Counterpoint didn’t change anything and resent it to him. You can’t trust most magazine reviewers.