Enjoy your stay in Vietnam!
How long will you stay over there?
I have a beautiful view of Sound and Bay also Olympic Mountains from my home.
I may live here until I die especially I have a beautiful listening space here.
My EMMLab Dac2 has balanced output which was one of the best Dac 8 years ago.
After inserting SR Blue fuse in it, it sounds more fantastic with lot of details, nice timber, wide and deep soundstage.
I have to wait 8 weeks to get Lab12, But it will be tough battle between those two excellent Dac.
I guess that EMM will have more weight and Lab 12 may be more nuanced.
One of them will have to go!
I also considered getting Total Dac MK2 tube version.
But Dac keep improving every year with new technology.
So I decided upon trying out Lab12 since it will cost me less even if I decide to sell Lab 12 after losing battle to EMMLab Dac2.
At this point, I am not sure which one of Dac will sound better in my system.
Enjoy your stay in Vietnam!
How long will you stay over there?
I have a beautiful view of Sound and Bay also Olympic Mountains from my home.
I may live here until I die especially I have a beautiful listening space here.
My EMMLab Dac2 has balanced output which was one of the best Dac 8 years ago.
After inserting SR Blue fuse in it, it sounds more fantastic with lot of details, nice timber, wide and deep soundstage.
I have to wait 8 weeks to get Lab12, But it will be tough battle between those two excellent Dac.
I guess that EMM will have more weight and Lab 12 may be more nuanced.
One of them will have to go!
I also considered getting Total Dac MK2 tube version.
But Dac keep improving every year with new technology.
So I decided upon trying out Lab12 since it will cost me less even if I decide to sell Lab 12 after losing battle to EMMLab Dac2.
At this point, I am not sure which one of Dac will sound better in my system.