Spotify vs other streaming services

I stream through Spotify because I like it’s nearly comprehensive classical catalog. Also, it’s cheaper than the others. 
I can also access Tidal if I want to pay for it. 
My DAC doesn’t handle hi-res formats.
 My question is, am I getting the best non hi-res sound quality with Spotify?
Or is Tidal or anyone else better.

I have Tidal and Spotify Premium.  Tidal hands down wins.  I have my wife who knows nothing about music quality do a blind test with the same songs and even she picked Tidal.  
Any classical music lovers out there should check out IDAGIO.
Lossles presentation and only $10/Month I think. 
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I use Spotify. I'm a jazz guy and their catalog is head and shoulders better then Tidal.
Yes, Tidal does sound better by far, but what good is better sound if there is nothing to listen to?