Hypex N core module

Did you have experience with amplifier based on Hypex - NCore Technologies  

If you are seriously looking at  Class D amps this is one you should seriously look into. I own the stereo version and it is the best Class D amp I have owned (4) including two with Ice Power modules, including the 1200AS, and one NCore NC-500 amp.  Nuprime's modules are proprietary and have evolved over the past decade from the highly acclaimed Nuforce amps. They have both SE and XLR inputs.  The two units sitting side by side are not quite the width of a full size amp.


Only been out a couple  of months so no reviews or tests only what's on the website for 8 and 4 ohms.  When the stereo version was tested by one of the German magazines it came in at 195 wpc instead of 150. I've have tested the stereo version with at least a half dozen speakers in a 24x28x10 room and it had more than enough headroom.  Among them the Verity Otello, Nola KO, Odyssey Lorelei, Spatial M3 Turbo and TM and Golden Ear Triton 5.  If they are carrying them at AA you can try them out for 30 days. The Mono's are rated at 230 and 320 wpc.
All Class-D’s today have the same problem. The switching frequency is too low to be filtered out effectively completely with the Class-D’s output filter, without effecting the upper mids and highs.

A statement George loves to repeat without practical data to back it up with.

He’s the guy who in the 21st century argues airplanes can’t fly because they are heavier than air.

Me, I'm loving Class D right now.
