I just took the DI plunge. Upgrade model. To match our furniture, SW 6048Terra Brun, a nice rich warm brown. I am ordering two sets of grills, one conservative set of black by AcousTex with the 98% transmission fabric. I will be calling them tomorrow for some of their swatches for a second set of grills in a "step’n out" kind of color, when my wife isn’t home lol. I think Cinnamon or Solid Rust or Spice by AcousTex. I told her I wanted the grills shipped with the speakers. She said yes, ten days. And I’ll order the second set of grills later. I hope they’re having a great day when they make mine. I told her that I would pay extra if he payed a little extra attention to the details and craftsmanship. She said like $100. But then I figured, why should I pay them to do it right. So I said "nah, I changed my mind, just have them make them right, as they should be" with no scruffy finish etc. I’m confident in the sound, pairing with PrimaLuna ProLogue Premium Integrated with digital server Sony HAP-S1. Just a clean simple set up for now with the option to add mono-blocks in the future. The PL is already amazing with my 25 year old speakers. Can’t wait to really hear them sing now. JM