Sorry, but no, going off the Stereophile measurements, Vienna Acoustics are terrible for the money, way overpriced, just look at his listening window measurement for their Klimt the Kiss speaker, utterly atrocious, not even $100 speakers are as poorly tonanly balanced as those, and it’s directivty is super poor as well.
I have a pair of Revel salon2's I bought to replace my VA Beethovens which like your Kanta's didn't really rock out, but despite measurements the speakers from Vienna Acoustics sound amazing next to anything in their price. Your Kanta2's image really well and when you go to a larger speaker you risk losing that. Axpona had a lot of big speakers in small rooms and the carver line source sounded great also Raidho 2.1(used)would be worth an in home demo and is on my short list along with the VA 'the music' if I tire of the Salon2's.