Home Theater Receiver recommendations for B&W 803S?

Hi!  I'm on the hunt for a new receiver, since I recently upgraded my main speakers, and I'd like to have one that also passes 4K signal.  

My current setup:

Denon AVR-4308CI
Left & Right: B&W 803S
Center: B&W HTM2
Surrounds B&W 301
Sub: Energy 8"

I recently upgraded to the 803S's on the left/right; replacing my original Nautilus 805's.  Now I need to upgrade the rest of the system!

I think the first step is the receiver, especially since I'd like to be able to pass 4K to my projector.   Then will likely upgrade the sub (Am considering the Monoprice Monolith, 10" or 12"...). And I'm also on the hunt for a HTM3S, to better match the 803S's. 

I'd love to know what Receiver recommendations folks have that will pair nicely with these speakers.  Ideally under ~$2K  - and I really don't care much about other bells & whistles (multi zone, bluetooth, wifi, whatever). I'd rather the money go into the best possible D/A, amplifiers, etc... and leave other tech gadgetry to other boxes.

Appreciate any/all input! Thanks!  :)

Wow.  I'm really sorry that you felt like you went backwards in some ways with the Marantz.  When I tested the 8805 in my system, I was using all my very high end power cords and interconnects and everything.  The only thing I did not do was upgrade the fuse in Marantz to a Hi-Fi Tuning silver (which is something I would have totally done).  We only had the Marantz in my system for one afternoon.  When I say "it had good impact", I mean it had good punch in the midbass and midrange impact.  A good amount of punch-you-in-the-chest impact and stuff like snare drums hit with authority.  The high frequencies were definitely rolled off, but it was not that bad.  Your situation could be from stock fuse and power cords and stuff.  It could also be that your using the previous owner's Audessey setup, and I would love to hear if this was the case.  Doing a factory reset is always a recommended thing because you don't know what the existing configuration is doing to your sound.  That being said, I will make comments based on what you're hearing now.
So, I guess the first question is to whether or not you want to work with the Marantz to try to get it to sound better.  This could be just adding a silver fuse into the Marantz.  But it could also mean you need to upgrade the power cords and possibly the interconnects.  This could mean spending hundreds of dollars on "tweaking your system for the Marantz".  We just won't know until we get there - doing one step at a time.
When you say you "kept feeling like you had to turn up the volume and had to strain to hear certain things", I think I know what you mean.  If the equipment is too warm/slow sounding, it will cause the upper midrange and highs to become too soft and laid back.  This will prevent the more subtle sounds from cutting through, especially when there is a lot of different sounds going on, and you may not feel you're getting the full impact of sound crispness and clarity and sharpness.
The first tweak for the Marantz (if you want to try working with it) is to upgrade the fuse.  Do you feel comfortable taking off the top cover of the Marantz?  It's very easy.  The top cover can be removed just by removing the screws that hold it in place.  The fuse or fuses should be on a small board that is very close to the power cord socket.  On these processors, it is usually a small fuse, but you should check.  If the fuse is less than 1" long, then it is the small 5x20 size. If it is longer than 1", then it is the large 6.3x32 size.  Parts Connexion is selling the older Hi-Fi Tuning Silverstar for 60% off - $16 for a small fuse.  They have a couple of the 1.8A left (I recommend getting a 2A fuse if possible).  This silver fuse should improve the clarity and impact a good amount.  If this doesn't get you all the way, we can still upgrade the power cord as well, which will make a difference too.  The goal would be to get as much silver elements into the power supply system as possible.  Please be aware that the silver fuse will require a 7-10 day burn-in before it settles down.
I had originally recommended the Marantz because I am a firm believer in discrete analog stages.  It is pretty amazing that Marantz can deliver a processor that has 14 fully discrete analog output stages for $4k retail!!!  To get an 8 channel discrete processor, you have to look at the Bryston SP3 which retails for $9.8k or Krell S1200U which retailed $12.5k!!
In all of my testing with different circuits and listening to many different systems, the devices that use op amps can sound good, but they just do not "sing" like a discrete circuit.  However, it could be that you might want to cut your losses with the Marantz and re-sell it.  In that case, I can think of a few options:

Yamaha CX-A5100.  This will probably get you back closer to the sound of the Denon.  New is $2500, but used are in the $1800-2000 range.  There is actually a used one on audiogon for $1345.  Obviously, no discrete analog stages, but it may likely sound better than your Denon receiver.
Anthem AVM 60.  This is probably the highest resolution processor in the budget range (before going to the Krell Foundation).  retail $3k.  Used in the $2200 to $2600 range.  There's a "new in box" one on ebay for $2488.
Or go back to using your Denon receiver as a preamp for now.  You seemed very happy with the sound, but realize that there are some compromises to be had (i.e. there were some things with the Marantz that out-shined the Denon). 
Oh, no need to apologize!  I'm pretty sure we're going to be able to get he Marantz to blow away the Denon. I wouldn't be surprised if the Marantz is revealing other weak links in my setup.

I'm not opposed to tinkering with fuses and power cords..but let me first try the factory reset (and Audyssey configuration) and see how it fares after that.

Regarding power -- please try not to laugh: I have all my components plugged in to a verrrry old Monster Power HTS1000 (circa 1999...), running off a 6' extension cord (except for the Rotel, which is in a separate outlet). The outlet most convenient to my electronics is behind a bookcase, so I can't easily change out that extension cord; and I had to use an extension cord with a flat plug, to get the bookcase against the wall...sigh.

My understanding is that surge suppressors usually only have 10-year lifespan, so it's probably time to change out that power strip anyway?

Just saw your followup...

I’m definitely not ready to "cut my losses" on the Marantz! I think it is likely revealing other weak links in my setup, so want to address those first...many of which I’d also want to do, regardless of which preamp I have.

- Replace my Panasonic DMP-DB35 disc player (~$500)
- Play with speaker placement (free!)
- Try the Audyssey setup (free!)
- Switch from unbalanced to balanced interconnects between the Marantz and Denon ($150; may still be able to exchange the first BJC interconnects)
- Replace the Monster Cable power hub ($150?)
- Silver Fuse ($20)
- New power cord ($50?)