How can anyone want more......Just a very happy listener.

I have recently listened to the best of Genesis, Dire Straits, Krall, Sinatra, Presley, Miles, Keb Mo, Floyd, Zep, Stones, and so much more, and I am so happy with my system. Why do people need to spend 40K on speakers, and, the same on amplification. Equipment : Modified Adcom GDA 700. Luminous Audio Walker passive , Nuforce STA 200, Modified Klipsch Lascalas, and powered subs ( a secret ). There is absolutely nothing, at this particular time, that I want more of. I have Dynamics, Tone, Coherence, Prat, Imaging, the whole shebang. I sit 10 ft from the speakers, and, I am so " involved " with my recordings, that I cant imagine any one not wanting the sound that I have, for relatively little money. Thoughts ? Enjoy ! MrD.
Hi Mr D. My system is 13Gs and it’s simple and I love it. I have Mac integrated and an Oppo Cd dvd player and two SVS subs and ultra towers and 10,000 albums but they on on a small Node 2 streamer that sounds fine(Tidal) . I don’t buy and sell, I buy preowned carefully and and keep. I have a wife who doesn’t get it and although I have dollars, I need to live on them(67 years old and retired) I also have another expensive passion, Porsche’s. I have to pick and choose. I want to leave my kids money also. 
I love that you are happy, I’m happy too when I park my 911 and hit the tunes. Jazz and blues are alive and well.  Jmy 
Eddie,   you always want more.   Don't kid yourself 
Let's get that right 


Contentment is very elusive.

And as said, it's largely a state of mind.

Some people say that a real problem with the internet is that can create two significant negative feelings. One is pride - which comes from comparing yourself and situation and saying "I have or am better than that", and the second is envy - which says "I don't have that but I want it." If you can overcome pride and envy you are well on your way to contentment.

Glad to hear you have found that 'happy place' MrD.