which Audio Research pre-amp?

I've pretty much narrowed down my next pre-amp purchase to an Audio Research 6 or GSPre.  Ultimately, this will be paired with an Ayre VX-R.  For the sake of marital harmony I need to spread the purchases out over a few years.  
Is the 6 that much better than the GSPre?  I like the idea of having an integrated phone section but I read that the 6 / Ref 2 SE combo. blew away the phono section of the GSPre.  I don't listen to vinyl that much.  My current phono pre-amp is a Pass Aleph Ono.  thanks.

Since you already own a phonostage, I would recommend REF6 over GSPre. The analog section of REF6 is far superior than GSPre.

 The Ref 5se is very close to the GSPre. The Ref 6 is a bit better. The Ref 2se phono stage is also better than the one in the GSPre. The Ref 6 and Ref 3 Phono or Ref 2se Phono combination would be my choice. I own a Ref 5se and Ref Phono 2se and they are magnificent.  The Ref Phono 2se has 2 inputs so you can have 2 arms or 2 separate tables.

BTW The GSPre is on my too ugly to own list. It just looks like it is upside down.


“The GSPre is on my too ugly to own list. It just looks like it is upside down”

That’s funny...but I hear you. I felt the same way and end up mating my GS150 with REF6. 
ARC fan here.

I’d go with the REF-6 for sure.

You say that you don’t listen to vinyl very often. You could save yourself some $$$ and go with a used PH-8.

@bdp24 is correct:  LISTEN to both in your system at home and then make a decision. What YOU like has no bearing on what others think or say or post.

As a former dealer, I am always amazed at people who do not wish to make their own decisions about gear.  Asking for opinions is an excellent way to weed out items that may have reps for breaking or poor manufacturer support, etc., and of course it is always nice to hear what others think about something subjective, but in reality, the decision is YOURS alone.

Take them both home and buy the one that sounds best to YOU.  As for cables, etc., well, let's just say that the electrons I have personally interviewed seem to be able to travel along wires fairly well regardless of the name on the box and let's leave it there.

Cheers, and good listening!