Wyred4S or Bluesound Node 2i

Hey everyone,
I love listening to music.  95% of the source is from steaming Spotify through a Sonos Connect.  From there onto a Rega Dac r > Transcendent Sound GG pre > Khartago Odyessy amp and finally Jim Holts Mini Statement speakers.  My music tastes are all over the map but Jazz is at the top.

I’m thinking of making a move of some kind so I can take advantage of lossless steaming.  I’m a long time user of Spotify premium service and holding out for hopes of lossless service in the near future.  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cultofmac.com/470077/spotify-eyes-lossless-audio-wow-ears/amp/

I really like the user interface of Spotify and Sonos.  I’d like to hear what some of you think about doing the Wyred4S mod to my Sonos as a way of listening to lossless music streams.  Or switching to a Bluesound Node 2i.  

Im not interested in spending more than say 500-700 bucks on a streaming device.  Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.

I helped my Neighbor install a Sonos system for his house and outside deck. He is 70yrs + and really enjoys how easy it is to use. I have Bluesound Node 2 and had to fiddle with it to get the best versatility and flexibility to adapt to my hi-fi system. I like both companies for different reasons.
Some say the Bluesound is a notch up in sound quality, I suppose it is. Plus Node 2 will do MQA, which surprisingly, I like a lot. For just streaming, not integrating an already existing library of music I can rate the Bluesound 5 stars. It takes some effort to integrate a library, but I have heard the Node 2i has worked on connectivity issues with 5ghz.
You can listen to lossless on your Sonos it supports Tidal streaming with I would recommend checking out. Far better sounding that Spotify albiet with a smaller catalog. Getting your Sonos upgraded by Wyred4S might get you a better sounding device than Bluesound I would certainly think at least comparable. Either way I imagine you would be satisfied. I ditched Sonos because it just has a single band router and I was getting a lot of dropouts. Sound quality I thought was quite good output to a Dac.
the Wyred4 Sonos mod is terrific, huge difference in sound quality playing Tidal. Currently using mine through the DAC in Yamaha CD-S2100,  but have used it in numerous other DAC's...I have only compared it to the standard Sonos, huge difference, no experience with Bluesound...
Thanks for the reply’s.

Jond, so I have been able to share a Tidal account with a friend from time to time.  The Sonos controller on my iPad makes it easy to select the same music from Tidal or Spotify.  To be honest, I don’t hear the obvious improvement most everyone who has Tidal talks about.  I felt that the Sonos Connect may have been the limiting component in the chain.  Now I’m thinking it just might be my ears.

I typically can’t even hear any difference between a cd or Spotify for that matter.  Of course I use the highest quality setting with Spotify.
I keep thinking there must be something I don’t have right.  Perhaps I should try a wired ethernet connection to my Sonos Connect.  Although my WiFi strength is very good.   

Should this huge proclaimed sound quality improvement Tidal offers be obvious with my equipment? 

I also may just need to leave it all alone.  If I can’t hear the difference... so be it.  Just enjoy the music! 
