Kenwood KA-8100 integrated Amp

I just acquired this Kenwood . I am impressed with how good it sounds.!!
My current system is as follows:
 Speakers are Zu Omen MkII with 16 ohm drivers.
 Amps are Wyred 4 sound Class D SX1000
 Pre Amp is Audio Research LS7
I am tempted to keep the Kenwood over my current Wyred4 sound and ARS LS7
 How would you compare this Kenwood to my current components ?

Thank you
Back in the 70's I owned a Kenwood KA8100 and then the predecessor, the KA8300 integrated.  They were really nothing special, decent mid fi but not high end.  I would stick wityh the ARC preamp and maybe buy a different power 
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I can’t speak for your amp but I have owned the LS7 and I would start with that first. I found the LS7 to be lifeless and really didn’t shine anywhere and I tried NOS tubes. ARC knew this pre wasn’t competitive  and probably has the shortest lifespan of any ARC preamp. I’ve read positive reviews on the Wyred amps so I’ll put my nickel on the LS7 is the weaker link. I have a hard time thinking a 70’s Kenwood integrated is going to outperform more modern separates. Try a different preamp; a lot of them out there that will outperform a LS7 in my opinion for the same money.