Light Harmonic LightSpeed USB: best USB cable under $1k?

I am upgrading my USB cable and read some good reviews on the LH Lightspeed USB cable.  Is it the best under $1k?  If so, I would consider getting it.  Anyone interested in selling theirs?  Thanks.
I'm using the LH LS (white w/ dual head) for last 3 years. Before that was Wireworld Platinum. I've been curious about others that might outperform the LHLS by now but I'm still very pleased with it. In no hurry to replace. I believe they have a 30 day policy. 

Jay M.

There is no "best on the market" that you'll find agreement on. They're all good but are system- and preference- dependent.
TheAudience is very good but not the best .the light speed may be better
the purist Audio Nordodt has the new Valhalla also
and their Heimdall-2 is very good.