Stanton made so many cartridges for mass market, but i am talking about high-end models like Walter O. Stanton Signature CS-100 WOS (Sapphire coated cantilever and Stereohedron tip) or 980/981 series only. Walter Stanton believed to his dying day that NO moving coil cartridge could ever be any good. He even made super low output MM like MC! Stanton’s 980 LZS cartridge to be used in stereo systems which have high gain, low impedance MC inputs or use external head amps with inputs impedance of 100 Ohms or higher. Since the output of the 980 LZS cartridhe is .06 mv /cm/sec, 20 dB minimum of additional gain is required to step up the voltage to the level of the conventional MM cartridge. The 980 LZS features extremely low dynamic tip mass (resulting in rise time of 100 micro sec.), high compliance (30cu), replaceable stylus assembly designed with samarium cobalt magnet ans Stereohedron stylus tip.
Read this interesting article first.
Price for the brand new modern cartridges means nothing, just marketing. You can put $400 Pickering XSV-3000 or Stanton 881s mkII against any super expensive modern MC and then we will see what you like the most, despite the price difference in 10 times. Many of us has stuff to compare (vintage mm cartridges vs. modern mm or mc).
P.S. Grado also made many cheap cartridges for mass market (nothing special), except some amazing top of the line models like Joseph Grado Signature XTZ, which i have and like a lot. I have not tried new wooned body Grados, but i have the one which was top of the line in the 80s (XTZ) handmade by the founder of the Grado himself (Joseph Grado, not John Grado who's his son). Joseph was proud about XTZ series.
Read this interesting article first.
Price for the brand new modern cartridges means nothing, just marketing. You can put $400 Pickering XSV-3000 or Stanton 881s mkII against any super expensive modern MC and then we will see what you like the most, despite the price difference in 10 times. Many of us has stuff to compare (vintage mm cartridges vs. modern mm or mc).
P.S. Grado also made many cheap cartridges for mass market (nothing special), except some amazing top of the line models like Joseph Grado Signature XTZ, which i have and like a lot. I have not tried new wooned body Grados, but i have the one which was top of the line in the 80s (XTZ) handmade by the founder of the Grado himself (Joseph Grado, not John Grado who's his son). Joseph was proud about XTZ series.