I have seen many people share what they have and what they have heard on audiogon and there are always a few people that come on with negative comments about the person bragging or,the put down the higher end gear that one is speaking about.  Why do you think that happens?
"...a place like Facebook and twitter where it has become one giant episode of mean girls."
How does one actually get familiar with what is going on with mean girls on Facebook and Twitter? Without specifically searching for mean girls on Facebook and Twitter, that is.
Well outside of the jokesters or the folks who rag on equipment cause THEY THINK YOU PAID TOO MUCH! Feel free to share any experiences with any equipment you own or have tried. 
(Disclaimer: I didn’t read the thread in its entirety.) Briefly, the comments from Audiogon members regarding my and a friend’s system have all been encouraging, positive and congratulatory. On two occasions, in fact, knowledgeable members took the time to comment on our system to the extent I bought the suggested preamp and my friend is having his speakers rebuilt by someone recommended to him. Neither event would have occurred if it weren’t for their generosity, this site. 
I agree. There are all types here but for the most part I have found the members here at Audiogon to be extremely helpful and even patient with my ignorance and misconceptions.....and reluctance to spend money.
@stereo5 it’s best to remember that hatefulness or talking down to someone is just an attempt to make the person, doing the hurting, feel better with themselves. This type of behavior stems from insecurity and you shouldn’t let it bother you although I know it’s hard not to. One of the problems with social media is believing you are dealing with like minded people. I often project onto my readers/responders my own ideas about what is acceptable behavior when in fact these ‘strangers’ are very much their own people with their own ideas. While it’s nice to get flattering remarks from people we do not know it’s often much better when coming from someone we love. Of course that’s a double edged sword given the fact if someone we love commenced to be hateful or mean or accusatory. It’s understandable you’d want to share your joy in this forum but remember to take any response with a grain of salt. Ultimately you know what you got and at the end of the day that’s what counts. Haters gonna hate. Its just the way they are.