The best "imaging" speakers?

Which speakers gave you the most "you are there" experience?

Harry Kames Sheffield has realitistic dynamics - I am not surpised it compared well to the real thing. MOst o fteh problem with playback is the way the studios compress the music for distribution to the public (especially true of drums which sound like a mere shadow of the real instrument but everything percussive such as a piano will suffer too).
Shadorne, you're exactly right, the dynamic compression is the most notable difference. Of course that Harry James disc is strange, perhaps cut this way on purpose, it's so low in terms of volume overall, that it seems to have greater really nailed that one.
Plus, and this is just me, there was something about Harry's playing, that exaggerated vibratto, I really loved it. Traces, GOD what a song, and what a great job he did on it.
that exaggerated vibratto, I really loved it

A trumpet player calls this "sizzle" - it is a complex form of non-harmonically related overtones that metal horned instruments can generate...and I agree with you Harry James has awesome "sizzle".

The drumming is also very enjoyable on this disc...lots of transients/dynamics allow you to hear detail but with everything still sounding "light" even at high SPL's
LRSKY, Your comments are so "right on".
I too have come home from many a performance, usually jazz, thrown a CD in my system(much less an album)and said 'wow' this is better sound than at the event.
I find the systems used in most public venues "harsh" and sloppy to my ears-to say the least. Dynamics were the main thing I found good about live but with the improvements in my Spectral based system over the years I find it's no longer dynamics - it's just loudness. And with my 89db efficient speakers and the 200 watt Spectral I've got all the loudness I need.
I think we are a very lucky group with quality systems.