Salk, downside is long wait times, but that’s because the finish is custom order, and super custom ones add on >$2500 to the cost (one demo model they were selling said they used >40 panels of the veneer to get the design mirrored both left/right and up/down.
KEF, new R series look good, the Reference series is great.
Revel, unbelievably high praise from most everyone whose heard the new Beryillium line, and the Spinorama backs up the impressions.
I’ve heard the flagship B&W 800 model, it was mediocre, as in it didn’t sound bad, but it sounded average. Wilson is worse than B&W.
Dutch & Dutch 8c, most likely the best speaker hands down for the price, even compared to passive speakers, only limiting if you sit very far away and need super efficient speakers, and it doesn’t dig super deep but it allows a subwoofer add-on with crossover.
KEF, new R series look good, the Reference series is great.
Revel, unbelievably high praise from most everyone whose heard the new Beryillium line, and the Spinorama backs up the impressions.
I’ve heard the flagship B&W 800 model, it was mediocre, as in it didn’t sound bad, but it sounded average. Wilson is worse than B&W.
Dutch & Dutch 8c, most likely the best speaker hands down for the price, even compared to passive speakers, only limiting if you sit very far away and need super efficient speakers, and it doesn’t dig super deep but it allows a subwoofer add-on with crossover.