LRSKY, Your comments are so "right on".
I too have come home from many a performance, usually jazz, thrown a CD in my system(much less an album)and said 'wow' this is better sound than at the event.
I find the systems used in most public venues "harsh" and sloppy to my ears-to say the least. Dynamics were the main thing I found good about live but with the improvements in my Spectral based system over the years I find it's no longer dynamics - it's just loudness. And with my 89db efficient speakers and the 200 watt Spectral I've got all the loudness I need.
I think we are a very lucky group with quality systems.
I too have come home from many a performance, usually jazz, thrown a CD in my system(much less an album)and said 'wow' this is better sound than at the event.
I find the systems used in most public venues "harsh" and sloppy to my ears-to say the least. Dynamics were the main thing I found good about live but with the improvements in my Spectral based system over the years I find it's no longer dynamics - it's just loudness. And with my 89db efficient speakers and the 200 watt Spectral I've got all the loudness I need.
I think we are a very lucky group with quality systems.