Apollon audio vs Nord Hypex NC500 mono blocks which to pick

Apollon Audio NC800SLM has ETI BP20C or Neutrik Speakon option(which one is better?), has a switch for XLR and RCA connection option. 3.7 kg with Silver 10mm faceplate

Nord one up NC500MB 4.2 Kg. 

Nord chassis seems to be better but lack of proper separation between power supply and the NC500 module is concerning. Price per unit is almost the same.

Anyone in US making NC500 mono blocks of similar quality and build?. 
@jackd I was planning to get three may be just get the 3 channel unit would be best ?.
Or one stereo and one mono depending on where you were planning on placing them and the width of your shelf.  The width of the faceplate on the standard Nord case is 13 3/8".  The 3 channel is the best choice price wise.  As the whole amp is modular it is easy to work on. 
I wonder why no major AMP company in US embraced Hypex NC500 modules yet. ATI still selling NC400 based amps, which are still good.
Money as the 500 modules were twice as expensive.  Merrill Audio used to sell a stereo version but it didn't sell.  Colin at Nord got into it as a sideline to his speaker business and then the publicity he got from us on the AudioShark forum made his amp business take off.  The guys at Apollon came later and piggy backed on Colin's model. 
@jackd  I don't understand that , 400 Watts @ 8 Ohm, 700 Watts @ 4 Ohm all the way to 550 Watts at 2 Ohm. The specs for NC500 can perhaps only be bested by Benchmark ABH2 in the THD category. 

First 1 watt to 200 watts @ 4 Ohm THD < 0.001, Output impedance flat till 10 KHz slight dip from 1.5m to 1m till 20 KHz. Frequency response flat till 10 KHz and < 0.5 dB dip till 20 KHz.

How can one get an amp with those specs for $2K? and consume almost nothing in terms of power at idle.

Din't sell well is due to marketing failure perhaps, I wonder why there are no reviews for these amps.