Thanks for the link to that strata-gee article.
Your previous post is now making some sense ;-)
I'd followed all those strata-gee articles documenting the decline of Thiel as it happened. It was great that there was a writer interested in following the story. The strata-gee writer seemed to have quite an interest in the Thiel company. Any particular reason? Was he a high end audo fan?
Those articles always make me want to give my Thiel speakers a hug :)
Thanks for the link to that strata-gee article.
Your previous post is now making some sense ;-)
I'd followed all those strata-gee articles documenting the decline of Thiel as it happened. It was great that there was a writer interested in following the story. The strata-gee writer seemed to have quite an interest in the Thiel company. Any particular reason? Was he a high end audo fan?
Those articles always make me want to give my Thiel speakers a hug :)