Are you as OCD as this audiophile?

Check this guy out!

I find his videos hilarious as he is so passionate.  I'm interested and curious in all that he says, and his passion makes me respect him and laugh at times.  So great. 
Outside of having tubed main amps, speaking more about what’s new inside my equipment and using a TL woofer system; that could be me. Well, I just converted from an Acoustat/Maggie/planar worshipper(1980 ’til now), to a Emerald Physics lover, also.   Then there's, HMMMM.... never mind(we're not alike, at all)!
Some people flip their fuses for fun.   Not that there's anything wrong with that....
That was great I had no idea what he was talking about but I liked it. “A proper crossover or a mess.” Ya!  I think I’ll subscribe ocdhifiguy. I can relate somewhat sometimes I give people a glazed over face when I get going
Thanks for the support guys, Truly If I am not doing something involved with my favorite hobby which is HiFi, thats when I'm uncomfortable. If I'm stressed, I can actually go sit at my workbench and calm down. I try to creat great things for us to use and make this hobby great rather than something daunting or confusing. Ive looked at the way fresh blood comes into the hobby and they are met by tons of confusing rhetoric and unfriendly hubris. I chose to share that I am a regular guy, trust me there are truths that I could share that would put me smack dab at the industries top level. but those things are not whats real.. whats real is I'm a regular guy with an Audio Habit and I'm all or none with it just like I am with nearly everything my whole life  and I actually do this stuff every day. Yeah I get burnt out sometimes so a take a few days off. But when I think of myself and the unrealistic standards I have for Audio and how I rationalize it in my head, its comical to me. I'm a typical humanoid with all my defects. So I choose to make fun of myself and the "Ocd HiFi " neuroses that we can all relate to a little bit. I juke and rant and I'm speaking as if we are good buddies. I'm not hiding anything. I dont show myself much because I'm not there to promote myself as much as I am to find truth in this ocean of BS, compare things real time and not speak about anything I'm not actually doing and showing you. I am an industry guy. I got sick of self proclaimed "reviewers" that have no rig nor any manufacturing nor industry experience at all. I tell it like I see it. None of these companies pays me, so I can say what I see and not have to abide by rules or plug the guys advertising on my blog or whatever. Shortly, I'll have a direct sale e commerce site where I'll sell things that are innovative as well as a fair price, not using the current HiFi market for reference of "fair" pricing. It takes an industry guy to do this rather than a new person. I know the dirty laundry and Ive seen the inner hustles.. So I know I dont follow the normal rules, and I'm rough around the edges, But I'm on YT to provide good content not just stammering away talking in really official, so I hope you enjoy it and thanks again those chiming in support, I chose to involve everyone at the party, and build positivity around HiFi which in case you have not noticed is laughed at by not only regular people, but by the guys that actually produce the music. I say at the very least we can admit we are nuts, and have a blast with it !!
Cheers !Mikey