Are you as OCD as this audiophile?

Check this guy out!

I find his videos hilarious as he is so passionate.  I'm interested and curious in all that he says, and his passion makes me respect him and laugh at times.  So great. 
Seeing those covers removed and exposed electronics on the floor reminded me of.....
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#Me To

I am happy with myself but I wish that I have the recources that OCD Hi-fi Guy has. To make a business out of my passion is an on going proces so who knows. 

If so,  I would have a house full of different equipment because couriosity drives this cat. I would probably share the experiments and knowledge I gain to. 

So , I am happy that OCD share this adventures on You-tube. I have Subscribed to his channel and enjoy every new video. 

Happy listening (that look to much  like a copy cat ;-) 

Enjoy the music or Peace is maybe more original. 

Richier, I'm sure youve got some amazing resources and things I do not. Perhaps children. I see happy families with well raised children and its my reminder that all is OK in the world. I thought everyone said enjoy the music.. yeah happy listening does not match OCD boy so much..How about.. "feed the squirrel !" lol you know, hes the one thats running stuff when I'm stuttering and talking to people without looking at them since I'm making a change inside a piece of gear.. I think we can all relate.. right ? Any of you that  have high quality sorted rig, love it, no issues with it at all but still come here to AG to browse for things youve never owned yet, just to see how good the "deals" are, is totally feeding the squirrel at that point. Especially if youve never owned a TT but are in the cartridge section.  And no matter what absolutely, they may as well call it "feed the squirrel" section is Tweaks.. if you even read them for fun, youre feeding the squirrel... in fact you skip the squirrel feed and are now feeding him Birthday Cake and RC Cola. Careful, hes got cymbals all around the attic up there, too much birthday Cake and hes gonna haul ass around the room smacking all the cymbals in random order. youre kinda locked in until he chills out and sometimes it takes a while..   Yep, "feed the squirrel" it is ! and Richier 31, youre responsible.. Thanks man!

Feed the squirrel !