I think that you need to ask yourself what the goal is. In your last thread I got the feeling that what I would consider a digital sound is not your cup of tea, and that you preferred something that reminded you more of your analog system. To me it seems that a tube based system and perhaps an older type of DAC sound might be the key. I would consider a Border Patrol DAC, which uses an ancient DAC chip with a newer implementation, and whatever tubed electronics that work well with your speakers
I think that you need to ask yourself what the goal is. In your last thread I got the feeling that what I would consider a digital sound is not your cup of tea, and that you preferred something that reminded you more of your analog system. To me it seems that a tube based system and perhaps an older type of DAC sound might be the key. I would consider a Border Patrol DAC, which uses an ancient DAC chip with a newer implementation, and whatever tubed electronics that work well with your speakers