Please help me figure out what I need to do this. My head spins with tech talk..

I am considering a sim audio moon cd transport 260dt to replace my beloved CD player that just died.I have a Plinius 9200 integrated. What do I need to make this combo work? Do I need a DAC?I get that transports are different from players but I just want to make sense of all of this in a simple way. thanks!
When my Balanced Audio Technology CDP was pronounced dead it was a time of mourning for me. It had signified my first serious venture into Audiophile Audio about 18 years ago. I had been lured into the land of Apogee speakers and wound up restoring a pair of Apogee Stages ( a tweeter replacement was my idea of fun!) I may have to sit Shiva when these break down.
I was thrilled, as a female, to find kindred spirits who shared my passion of music and some hands-on. Of course It’s not that there are fewer women who share the love of music, but I do think fewer share the joy of gear.
Once I bonded (literally) with the Apogee sound I realized my next step was to upgrade my midling amps & source. I decided Integrated was the way for me to go and auditioned several and then there was the Plinius which is like minimalist modern art and I started with the 8150,8200 and now the 9200. I had that hefty strong sound I love. Then CD players… I started with an Arcam touted as a good entry level. My mentor (a highly knowledgeable woman audiophile) said to me that I really needed tubes somewhere in my system. I happily lived with a Jolida JD100 for almost 2 years and engaged in the sport of tube rolling. As good as the Jolida was I knew it was lacking in overall depth, width and overall quality. Enter the B.A.T.. It was love at first hear.
So when it was declared not repairable,Good memories and musically induced emotions flooded back. I need to create new ones now.
So in a way there was an exorcism for this quest. I needed to realize nothing is indefinite & there may be more than 1 path to nirvana.
That voice in my head that whispered “tubes” now had me concerened. Most tube players I fancied were also aged and I didn’t want to have to be in the same predicament in the near future.
Lots of reading…lots of forum threads later I wound up with a loaner of a Primare CD22 from my dealer. I had not thought it would wind up with this course of events. As I stated in a previous post it sounded unassumingly good…2 generations earlier than the CD35 I just purchased. My logical mind had to assume (and hope) the generations were kind to the assets and enhamced them!
With much intrepidation I ordered it and here it sat for 3 days of continual low level break in so that Sunday morning for my serious listen there would be few excuses. (My initial quick turn on hinted at some brashness).
As I’m sure everyone does , I have my reference CD’s. Some not necessarily my go-to listens but great litmus test. I always start out with some solo piano..Windham hill has some dandies…some Clara Ponty..
The piano must have realness…no tinnyness…yes,,,it sounds glorious …clear yet rich and round…I’m encouraged…
Next I played some female vocals…Who doesn’t have Eva Cassidy as a must-have? Tears? oh- yes…and throw in a sprinkling of Baez…mmmm…
Next is violins…the deal-breaker…if one note dares make me wince it’s a goner…I put on Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg/Minnesota orchestra/Brahms concerto in D..(A side note..I saw her in concert and any classical lovers, she is a must experience..). The CD35 sang the most beautiful rich textured violin tone…nothing shrieking and all with the bow’s varying weight…I was relieved and nearing my judgement..
One test left…full orchestra of many sorts… Appalachian Spring/Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia orchestra). is my go-to for “light” orchestra. It has subtle nuances that I am so familiar with after hundreds of listens..and it is here that perhaps I can fully evaluate and appreciate the qualities and differences between this unit and the tube sound I have ingrained in my brain on strings en masse..
the quiet moments are gorgeous..with puctuations more cleary defined than with the B.A.T…every instrument is clearly heard in it’s place on it’s stage..and as I mentioned before , the 2 triangle taps at the end of this piece..a Copeland masterpiece of less is more..the cd35 let them sparkle as they should..
Next up is Pictures at an Exhibition..the horns at forefront..once again, clarity is not creating any kind of shrillness..each horn is creating it’s own place,,the french horn is the mellow fellow…The musicality is effortless…I expected stiffness,,,a preconceived thought, but the flow is quite stunning…
the final movement is regal and playful and ever so musical..
And finally full blown massive orchestra…I wanted to hear soundstage and any confusion..I am always willing to adjust my speaker toe-in …even 1/8” makes for a hit or miss…sometimes I need to sacrifice wide for better imaging..
And finally Tchaikovsky Piano concerto #2…a good blend of piano and massive symphony…
The piano was center stage and tonally on point…full orchestra sounded clean and bold, and, well..massive! It is here that I can compare the tube sound of the BAT to the cd35 sound..the BAT was like a beautiful watercolor painting…expertly expressed with slightly soft yet not blurred edges..
the Primare is more crystalline like an acrylic painting..slightly more opaque yet equally beautiful.
I know every piece of equipment is part of a symbionic relationship..I am sure the player is enhanced by my sweet sounding speakers and warm Plinius amp. The mesh with my system seems just right and is already creating some goosebump inducing moments.
And that’s my goal.
I am giving this a wholehearted swoon.

It’s been 2 weeks now that my Primare CD35 has been occupying the top shelf of my audio rack. The newest “family” member.
It’s an understated beauty of minimalism. The remote is an unremarkable but well defined low profile black metal accessory. It looks dwarfed on my coffee table next to the Plinius remote, which, if it was hollow, could house a homeless family.
The Cd35 has been calling to me.
I was able to enjoy another long very alone time day today to dive right back in again.I was hoping
the initial excitement wouldn’t wear off and I that I wouldn’t start nit-picking and analyzing. I was prepared to. After all,I really needed to know that beyond the $$$ , that this was going to make me happy long term. I can not tolerate mediocrity.
I revisited a few of the Cd’s I played last week and I was happy to hear just what I remembered..
and so, with my new arsenal lined up to play, I sat in that sweet spot on my couch, and immersed myself into Dvorak’s New World, the beautiful , strong, crystalline smoothness.. and 50 minutes later I realized I had not thought once about the player..
it was the music…it was all about the music.
I'm in love & the adoption is official.

PRISMA adds some kind of Bluetooth/networking/whatever gizmo to the CD player.  The 35 comes with out without the PRISMA add-on.  Check Primare website for details.