Regarding 2.4: The XO part of the SE upgrade is simply replacing the 2 coax feed caps with ClairtyCapSA (best at the time). Rob @ CSS has them.
Our upgrades are trumping that in spades. We are replacing all components with carefully chosen, cost effective, high performance parts, and then backing off for a few less expensive cost/performance plateaus. beetlemania and I are addressing the 2.4.
Highlights: later 2.4 XOs were made in China and have less than best coils. We are replacing with old Thiel spec high-test coils in shunts and high-test foil coils in feeds. Resistors were sand-cast and we are using Mills MRA-12s, best of form, great improvement for the buck and near best at any price. beetle has tested and I have confirmed. It's a go.
Caps are ClarityCap for lots of reasons, will explain more later. Two generations past the SA. The CSA is state-of-the-art. All CSAs including replacing all electrolytics with a custom CSA. Bypasses are combination of Thiel custom styrene/tin 1uF with ultra-bypasses: MultiCap RTX or CC-CMR and/or various silver mica and other ultra caps being auditioned. That's the highlights. These parts are CS7.2 and better plus a return to hardwire point to point boards, with added thermal sinking and vibrational damping. Serious stuff toward considerably higher refinement than Thiel's traditional max bang for the buck orientation. We're looking very closely at cost, but making the assumption that you, the owner, has and loves the speaker and will consider this upgrade compared with buying a different speaker. I am confident we will create an exquisite sonic outcome for reasonable cost. Stay tuned. Sorry for delays. Life intervenes.