Am I hearing things (you don't) ????

About 5 years ago I started to notice a ringing in my ears. This is not a debilitating condition and I have learned
to tune it out. More disturbing however is an inability to tolerate high frequency "Noise". An example would be
the sound of plates clanging against each other as you remove them from the dishwasher. This type of sound
feels somewhat painful. At the RMAF last month after day one I found I could no longer listen to anything and enjoy it
as my ears felt fatigued. ( stayed too long at Raidho). I had a pair of ear plugs but failed to employ them at all times. Normally I listen at an average of 70 db. per my free phone app readings. 
I seem to notice during quiet moments a very low frequency off and on rumble sound. I thought it might be a piece of equipment in the home so I shut everything down, walked outside around all sides of the home thinking it might be emanating from a neighbor. No go. Its in my head. 
At age 60+ I have probably been subjected to my share of excessive noise but have never been an artillery man or Navy Gunner for example. 

Anyone else have similar experiences?
prof, you’re firing on all four cylinders today! A little testy, are we? I thought we were buds. I hate to judge before all the facts are in but I suspect I know a little bit more about hearing than you do, professor. Is this another thread you supposedly own?


Yes I'm rather a bit sensitive about this issue.  These are quite serious for some people (including me right now).  Your remark, clearly one of your usual digs at people's hearing perception of the type you always throw up in the controversial tweaks threads, is the type of thing that makes people here feel less comfortable about discussing hearing issues that can affect us audiophiles.

It's just a d*ck move on your part to import that crap in to a thread like this. 

If you want to add some of your authoritative content "about hearing" that you think *might actually help someone* why don't you go ahead.  Just...try!...not to be a d*ck about it by moving things to your usual hobby horse of taking the p*ss out of everyone.  

prof, I wasn’t taking a dig at anyone, as you put it. It was simply an observation. Nothing to get all worked up about. If you’re so sensitive about this issue maybe you should sit this one out. Have a nice day.
I have had tinnitus for about 8 years as a result of a medication I was taking. It really bothered me at first, especially as a music lover. I didn't want it to intrude on my listening. I found over a period of a couple months that my mind adapted to it, and I don't notice it at all while listening. I can easily hear it in a silent room though, and not surprisingly, when I am thinking about it, like now!