Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Absolutely!  There are other owners of the CS 2.4 that uses an Ayre AX-7 to drive without issue.  No doubt that the AX-5 is a very capable integrated amp as well.  Thank You for your input.
As above, we know that the big and heavy hitters (Classe' Krell, Mark Levinson and Pass Labs) can accomplish the job.
I believe that it is safe to report that Ayre and Bryston are worthy contenders to add to our Power Amp list as well. I would not mind seeing a few additional Integrated amp(s) making the grade.

Happy Listening!


It's a very simple printed circuit board. Rob suggested connecting the leads to the new caps to other components that are connected to the same point on the circuit, which can be done without removing the board completely, though as I said, it makes the installation a bit difficult for one who doesn't do this sort of thing regularly. I did document what I did with photos and written notes, if anyone is interested. Not sure where I'd post it, though. It's in pdf format.
First I don't mean to take this thread off topic.  Maybe just slightly side way.  But has anyone heard a speaker with concentric midrange/tweeter?   I can think of Kef but I personally have not heard it myself.

The reason I asked is that I am trying to narrow down the unique sound signature of the Thiel?  Would you say is it because of its time-coherent design or is it because of its concentric drivers?
Thank You for sharing your information here. It is good to learn that we have another DIY guy on the panel.  Happy Listening!
@andy2 I assume you mean non Thiels with a concentric driver? I’ve heard the TAD Ref 1; it has a concentric driver with diaphragms of an exotic material that I don’t recall. One of the very best speakers I’ve heard. Just stunning, but you’d hope so at that price!

My very short list of all time favorite speakers includes both time-phase correct and not. I don’t know if that part matters to my ears a ton but I will say that my favorite speakers at real world price points are Thiels and Vandersteens. One important feature, IMO, is that both of these designers use light and rigid materials in the midrange and with diaphragms <5”. This is super important to avoid distortion in the critical midband. It amazes me that some really high dollar speakers use 7” drivers for the midrange. No thanks!